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Sleeping Beauty
by Geoff Bull & Joe McSavage


  Production date:
3 - 5 February 2005

As a director's nightmares go, they don't come much more scary than Melva Coe experienced on the opening night to Sleeping Beauty. At 5pm, with less than three hours to curtain up on the first night, two of the cast members and lighting gaffer Ron Karley went down with flu. There was just time for some hasty re-arrangements and the hand over of the lighting script to Ian Karley, who ably managed his fathers role as well as his own job as sound technician.
At the commencement of the show a composed looking Melva Coe stepped in front of the curtains to ask for a little patience given the problems that had to be confronted but, of course, the evening went extremely well. After a couple of wobbles in the first few moments, collective adrenalin took over and the show fairly zipped along with plenty of audience participation and loads of laughs.
Western Gazette Thursday 10 February 2005.

Will Spokeshave - Harrison Morton
Romeo Spokeshave - Rupert Morton
Titchmarsh Spokeshave - Gren Elphinestone Davis
King Boris Borealis - Peter Casemore
Queen Buddleia Borealis - Brenda Connolly
Nurse Inghome - Mick Reed
Milton Abbot - Joe McSavage
Skura - Ann Guy
Princess Aurora - Kit Elphinestone Davis
Prince Florian - Joanne South
Bagshaw - Caroline Nobbs
Father Time - Colin Guy
Steed - Bob Todd & Roy Bennett
Villagers and Doctors - Margaret Evans, Bob Todd, Roy Bennett, Caroline Nobbs
Brave (Leader of the Gang) - Alice Brock
Blithe - Marianne Sugrue
Level - Claire Joyce
Mean - Sally Potter
generous - Robyn Steel
Unclean - Joseph Surgue
Starveling - Greta Sugrue and Polly
Kind - Victoria Senior
Restless - Holly Nash

Stage crew:
Director - Melva Coe
Pianist - Margaret Snell
Lights & Sound - Ian & Ron Karley
Stage Manager - Kathryn Pochin
Musical Director - Maggie Redmill
Assistant Stage Manager - Margaret Evans
Props - Sid Coe plus many others
Programme and Publicity - Tony & Trina Horrocks
Costumes - Caroline Nobbs & Magaret Evans.





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